Sathish Speaks


How many schemes you should have in your Mutual Fund Portfolio?

Issue 135, Weekly Wealth Newsletter: 25th Mar 2024 – 1st Apr 2024 Mutual Funds have become increasingly popular and have established themselves as an investment product of choice for High Net Worth as well as Retail Investors. Mutual funds offer the professional expertise of the fund manager and are diversified instruments, transparent in terms of

How many schemes you should have in your Mutual Fund Portfolio? Read More »

Is your Mutual Fund & Stock Portfolio yielding Best Returns?

Issue 133, Weekly Wealth Newsletter: 11th Mar 2024 – 18th March 2024 Is your Mutual Funds and Stock portfolio yielding Best Returns? Alpha is the measurement of an investment portfolio’s performance against a certain benchmark –usually a stock market index. In other words, it’s the degree to which a investor has managed to ‘beat’ the

Is your Mutual Fund & Stock Portfolio yielding Best Returns? Read More »

Can Small Cap Mutual Fund Deliver Big Returns in 2024?

Issue 131, Weekly Wealth Newsletter: 26th Feb 2024 – 4th March 2024 The fascination of investors in India for small caps seems to be unending. The optimism about India’s economic prospects, smaller companies participating in India’s growth story, the remarkable outperformance of the small-cap indices, the kind of returns generated, and increased investor awareness are

Can Small Cap Mutual Fund Deliver Big Returns in 2024? Read More »

Is your Mutual Funds are being High Performing? Check out my 130th Edition of Weekly Wealth report

Issue 130, Weekly Wealth Newsletter: 19th Feb 2024 – 26th Feb 2024 Economic Times has analysed that 76% of Mutual Fund underperform benchmark for last 7 Year. 157 Equity mutual fund schemes that have completed seven years in the market and found that 119 equity schemes have failed to beat their respective benchmarks. In other

Is your Mutual Funds are being High Performing? Check out my 130th Edition of Weekly Wealth report Read More »

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