MF Wealth Projection for Investors by 2024

Over the last few years mutual funds have transformed from a push product, where the investors have to be convinced about it to Pull Product, Because of the awareness and necessity among the people to allocate some of their portfolio on Mutual Funds. Mutual Fund Asset Under Management are also grows from 17.5 Lakhs Crore to 25 Crore in last 2 years, which is roughly 40% Rise and the SIP Contributions are alone raised from 4000 Cr per Month to 8500 Crore Per Month. Kavry Projects the individual Financial Wealth in Mutual Funds will grow at the rate of whopping 18.32% rate by FY 2024.  Best Performing Large Cap and Multi Cap are the categories which are famous among the investors for delivering long term average Returns of 14% CAGR are the core of Investors Portfolio. Number tell stories, Economic Survey tell us that with India is projected to grow towards US $ 5 Tn Economy by FY 2025, ( My point is even if this happens by 2028 also, the sensex still can keep the long term average of 12.75% of CAGR for MF Investors ) The recent trends are the share of Mutual Funds and Direct Equities are growing at the cost of physical assets like Gold and Real Estate.  With the growing army of HNI’s and we hope that very soon India will break into the Elite G 3 Club (Third Largest Economy) when it hits the US $ of 5 TN GDP.  Source – Karvy Wealth Report One Call Can Change your Finance Forever Take Your First Step Towards Smarter Investment Decision. Helping people to Increase their Networth and Wealth. Sathish KumarEquity Fund Manager | Wealth Consultant | AuthorEmail: creatingwealthadvisory@gmail.comWhatsapp / Call – +919841058689

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